Exhibiting at ISE for the first time, ENCO will showcase its cloud-native enCaption5 captioning software and ClipFire rapid content automation system for a variety of Pro AV environments.
While captioning and transcribing videos both involve converting the spoken word into text, the real difference lies in the way they are used. In the case of open and/or closed captioning, the mission is for broadcasters and podcasters to provide on-screen text that displays in sync with the spoken word. In this way, deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers, or those watching with the sound down or off, can follow along.
Demonstrations of upcoming, cloud-native enCaption5 will showcase new efficiencies and powerful enhancements for closed and open captioning, transcription, and translation
Captioning is interwoven into our television, and increasingly, streaming culture. Viewers expect it, and the deaf and hard of hearing depend upon it. In this blog, we’ll look at how government mandates have impacted broadcasting, both over-the-air (OTA) and over the top (OTT).
Network Device Interface (NDI) is ushering in a cost-effective new way of networking video sources and devices over standard IP gigabit Ethernet rather than the costly, bulky Serial Digital Interface (SDI) cabling that has dominated the video industry for over 25 years. If you’re a professional broadcaster, your production facility likely already has SDI adjoining all your high- end gear.
Our Television Broadcast Engineer Patrick Mahon just returned from the summer games in Tokyo where he served as a transport signal quality control engineer at the technical operations center (TOC) at Odaiba Marine Park from July 9 to August 7, 2021. This Tokyo venue hosted various competitive sporting events, including aquatics marathon swimming, and triathlon.
Complying with patient health information privacy mandates becomes more challenging as the data is moved and stored in electronic form. Learn how enCaption can help maintain patient confidentiality by keeping the process of captioning Telehealth video calls in-house and in the hands of authorized personnel.
With the growing popularity of telemedicine, doctors and patients are increasingly opting for appointments via video conferencing platforms. Learn how enCaption can automate accurate live captioning during the call, and generate transcripts that medical staff can archive for later reference.
As telemedicine expands, so too does the need to display live closed captions during video-based doctor appointments. Learn how doctors can use enCaption to automate this process accurately in-house whenever video calls are held, while maintaining patient confidentiality.
Arranging for professional captioners to type the captions for a Zoom meeting requires advance notice, and the per-minute rates they charge can really add up. But what if captioning a Zoom call was as quick and easy as setting up the call itself? That’s the convenience that enCaption delivers.
Say you need to translate a live presentation from English to Spanish. First, the ENCO enCaption automated captioning appliance converts the English speech to text to create captions. Next, the complementary ENCO enTranslate takes that data stream and converts the English captions to Spanish as the words are spoken. Participants can immediately see the translated captions on stage monitors, on their Zoom interface, or on portable devices that access a designated stream from the event’s web or social media site.
Live events are a challenge for the deaf and hard of hearing, even for those with hearing aids or the ability to read lips. But now, with the ability to stream live captioned video to mobile devices, the answer is right in the palm of their hands.
Long-time radio professional will emphasize remote broadcasting solutions and “evangelize” benefits of ENCO’s automated workflow solutions for new markets, including open captioning in AV environments
Combining the powerful speech-to-text engine from ENCO’s patented, market-leading enCaption automated captioning solution with advanced translation algorithms, enTranslate provides near-real-time translation of live or pre-recorded content for alternative-language closed captioning, subtitling, and more.