Say you need to translate a live presentation from English to Spanish. First, the ENCO enCaption automated captioning appliance converts the English speech to text to create captions. Next, the complementary ENCO enTranslate takes that data stream and converts the English captions to Spanish as the words are spoken. Participants can immediately see the translated captions on stage monitors, on their Zoom interface, or on portable devices that access a designated stream from the event’s web or social media site.
Live events are a challenge for the deaf and hard of hearing, even for those with hearing aids or the ability to read lips. But now, with the ability to stream live captioned video to mobile devices, the answer is right in the palm of their hands.
ClipFire is equally at home playing out video clips to stage monitors as well as streams to web and social media sites.
enCaption is changing the game by making automated captioning technology more affordable and practical for broader use, such as live events.
The Next Best Thing Tour has just completed the first leg of its tour - traveling through Missouri, Colorado, Utah, Oregon, Washington, and North Dakota - bringing the best in broadcast equipment directly from manufacturers to local broadcasters.
Having an integrated system that handles digital signage along with a wide range of live video production switching and streaming tasks maximizes the efficiency of equipment and other resources.
ENCO’s ClipFire addresses the needs of House of Worship customers large and small by integrating many essential video production capabilities into an all-in-one appliance.
The company’s focus, however, is on the live aspect of closed captioning—ENCO provides one of the few solutions that converts speech to text within a couple of seconds that can be displayed on a screen during a live event or within a web stream. They are now partnering with another Medialooks customer, RUSHWORKS, to provide a tight integration with their video production solutions by leveraging the built-in data transfer approach available in the Medialooks SDK, alleviating the need for additional hardware.
As live video production becomes an increasingly dynamic and vibrant part of many media ministries, churches are taking creative control of their media outreach campaigns. By adding a powerful automated captioning system like enCaption directly into the existing SDI workflow, churches can now caption their own live video in real-time without the need for a human stenographer or captioning service.
With today’s social distancing due to the Covid-19 pandemic, live streaming to websites and/or social media has become a vital lifeline for churches to continue serving and expanding their congregation.