Press Releases

StreamGuys and ENCO Strike Partnership

SOUTHFIELD, MICHIGAN, BAYSIDE, CALIFORNIA, August 18, 2016 – StreamGuys and ENCO have entered into a partnership focused on tightening automation and streaming workflows, while at once enriching the business opportunities and technical capacities from production to delivery. With interoperability and monetization as key focal points, the two innovators will empower broadcasters with a single solution that integrates more flexible advertising options, powerful video resources and virtualized platforms in the cloud that minimize hardware and operating costs.

StreamGuys, a pioneering content delivery network and streaming media provider, will host live streaming, podcasting and monetization services among other options. ENCO, a prominent broadcast automation and playout supplier for radio and television, will deliver multichannel audio, video and metadata from its DAD radio automation, MOM TV automation and Visual Radio systems to StreamGuys’ cloud-based CDN architecture. The two companies will actively promote each other’s products and services in ongoing sales initiatives aimed at simplifying deployments with complete, integrated solutions.

“ENCO is a juggernaut in broadcasting, and their services and corporate culture overlap well with what we offer and how we operate at StreamGuys,” said Kiriki Delany, president, StreamGuys. “This includes our shared passion for interoperability and standards-based solutions in radio and television. What’s exciting about ENCO is the pulse they have on the industry, and the way they think beyond traditional radio with products like MOM and Visual Radio, the latter of which cleanly synchronizes video and audio for a full multimedia streaming experience. We will help ENCO extend its reach through the remainder of the signal chain and onto the end user’s media player, and remove the burden from its customers.”

Delany notes that StreamGuys’ integration with ENCO automation solutions provides customers with an end-to-end broadcast solution including terrestrial and Internet components. For example, the StreamGuys and ENCO integration provides playout and monetization services – including ad insertion options and metadata triggering – in lockstep, underscoring interoperability benefits. Elsewhere, StreamGuys will provide multi-format encoding to deliver ENCO program content to web, mobile and OTT devices;; and support creation and delivery of podcasts and side channels via its SGrecast software. Using SGrecast, operators can also easily convert live streams into podcasts and launch new streams within DAD or Visual Radio.

Ken Frommert, general manager of ENCO, states that a key goal of the partnership is to help terrestrial broadcasters easily extend their over-the-air signal to audiences that increasingly consume radio and TV via fixed and mobile streaming. Furthermore, StreamGuys’ ability to virtualize all of these services in the cloud – including ENCO automation workflows – will keep costs and complexity low for broadcasters.

“Working with StreamGuys, we can very easily create and deploy a fully redundant virtual instance of a DAD, MOM or Visual Radio workstation in the cloud, and eliminate the requirements of maintaining local servers,” said Frommert. “This, along with their monetization platforms, is just one example of the many options and flexible customization that StreamGuys offers for broadcasters. It’s a very slick integration from a technology perspective, and their ability to insert live ads, pre-rolls and mid-rolls through local initiatives or a broader ad network proves how forward-looking they are as a company.”

ENCO will be available to discuss the business and technical benefits of the partnership at the forthcoming IBC2016 show, taking place September 9-13 at the RAI Convention Center in Amsterdam. ENCO will exhibit at Stand 8.A59. Additionally, StreamGuys representatives will join ENCO at The Radio Show, taking place September 21-23 at the Omni Nashville Hotel, to discuss the partnership. ENCO exhibits at Booth 19.

About ENCO

Founded in 1983, ENCO Systems is a world leader in playout and automation system solutions for demanding radio and television organizations. ENCO is headquartered in Southfield, Michigan USA and retains a worldwide distribution network. For more information, please visit:

About StreamGuys, Inc.

In business since 2000, StreamGuys is an industry-leading service provider of live and on-demand streaming, podcasting delivery, and software-as-a-service (SaaS) toolsets for enterprise-level broadcast media organizations. The company brings together the industry’s best price-to-performance ratio, a robust and reliable network, and an infinitely scalable cloud-based platform for clients of any size to process, deliver, monetize and playout professional streaming content. StreamGuys supports many of the world’s largest Podcasts, global TV and radio broadcasters, video and audio production companies, houses of worship, retail and hospitality businesses, government organizations, medical and healthcare services, and live venues for sports and entertainment. The company excels in developing and deploying technologies for business growth and revenue generation, including dynamic ad insertion, mobile streaming and detailed business and data analytics.


StreamGuys, Inc - - - 707.667.9479 P.O. Box 828 Arcata, California 95518 - fax 707.516.0009

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