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This big old world is getting smaller. Social media now streams into every part of the internet universe. And a big part of the online content swirling around us is video. Video attracts viewers and keeps them engaged like no other medium.  

But what if search engines are uncovering video gems that viewers can’t understand because they’re only available in English rather than their native language. The reality is that even though your video potentially has a global reach, there are those who will move on to something else simply because of the language barrier.

 Regardless of the valuable information your video conveys—be it a political podcast, inspirational sermon, educational lecture, new product demo, entertainment, or even a talk show—it doesn’t stand a chance of impacting those who can’t understand it. This is why you should translate the captions for your videos’ spoken word into a popular foreign language.    

When you do a google search on automatic video translation, surprisingly many of the results are for human translators whose services are based on hourly fees. If that’s not the best course of action for you, ENCO offers Automatic Translation solutions, such as its enTranslate for automated translation of closed captioning and other on-screen text displays. Rather than introducing a third-party service into the process and racking up translation fees, enTranslate keeps the workflow under your control and pays for itself quickly, especially if you have a high-volume of live, pre-recorded, or archival video to translate. 

The presence of foreign captioning, such as Spanish, increases the chances that your video will show up in a search as something a Spanish speaker would watch and benefit from, thereby expanding the audience for your message. With solutions for cloud and on-premises platforms, ENCO has designed its systems for accuracy, including the ability to “learn” the spellings of names, places, and other unique information. The automatic translations also support localization—meaning tailoring the translated word to local dialects—as well as converting American weights and measurements into the metric system.

 Invite broader accessibility to your videos by offering any of the more than 30 different languages supported by ENCO automated translation systems. With minimal human effort, your videos can be streaming with captions in a variety of foreign languages, and reaching a broader, more diverse audience, while boosting your advertising, marketing, sales, and online education goals.  Learn more about enTranslate and other ENCO products at

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