Press Releases

ENCO to Launch Next-Generation, IP-Enabled Control Surface for Playout Solutions at 2018 NAB Show

Southfield, MI, March 29, 2018 – Blending IP-based innovation with traditional tactile control, ENCO will unveil the new ClipBoard next-generation control interface for its market-leading broadcast automation and instant playout solutions at the 2018 NAB Show (April 9-12, Las Vegas Convention Center). The ground-breaking hardware controller will be one of many new advances that the company will debut in booth N3824.  

ClipBoard provides an intuitive, physical control surface for ENCO’s comprehensive range of television and radio solutions, including the MOM (Media Operations Manager) TV automation and production platform, ClipFire instant video playout appliance, DAD radio automation and playout solution, and HotShot instant audio playback system. ClipBoard’s unique operational benefits particularly shine when used with ENCO’s video solutions, as the controller’s OLED-based buttons display 96x64 pixel graphics.

ClipBoard’s button layout mirrors and complements ENCO’s highly-regarded, touchscreen-optimized software interfaces. ClipBoard buttons can trigger any asset available in the automation or playout system, including video, audio, graphics and DCL (DAD Command Language) commands. Thumbnails of available audio or video are shown on the buttons for easy identification, while countdown timers display in-progress elements.

“Some hardware controllers simply map their buttons to the software’s on-screen array, so users must look at both the button box and the screen to locate what they want to play and see the result,” said Ken Frommert, President of ENCO. “With ClipBoard, operators don’t even need a screen to find their desired assets. Similarly, rather than just seeing audio or video playout on a separate monitor when a button is pressed, ClipBoard displays a countdown timer on the button itself, providing instant visual feedback.”

ClipBoard units feature 56 buttons, each measuring one inch wide by 7/8 of an inch high. 48 of these buttons can be used to trigger media assets on the current array page, while the remaining eight provide additional functionality such as switching between banks of buttons. ClipBoard features RJ45 Ethernet connectivity and controls ENCO automation and playout solutions over an IP network, enabling it for use with both physical and virtualized systems.

“As user-friendly as our software interfaces are, hardware buttons are still often the fastest and most comfortable means of operation for a variety of use cases,” continued Frommert. “ClipBoard brings tactile control into the IP-enhanced era, providing a cost-effective control surface for audio playout while delivering unique benefits for video applications.”

About ENCO

Founded in 1983, ENCO pioneered the use of computer-based, digital audio and program automation for radio station and TV studios. The company has since evolved its product line to cross all aspects of today’s automated broadcast and production workflows, including closed-captioning, visual radio, audio compliance, instant media playout, remote contribution, and cloud-based web streaming. Its two flagship systems, DAD and MOM, bring the industry’s best reliability, cost-efficiency and intuitive operation to automated radio and TV operations worldwide. ENCO is headquartered in Southfield, Michigan USA and retains a global distribution network, plus a growing network of partnerships with complementary industry vendors. For more information, please visit:

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