If the connected car is becoming essentially a “smartphone on wheels,” radio’s presence in both is a matter of critical concern. What role should HD Radio play in this exciting, daunting future?
Radio World approached leading observers to ask. The list of respondents includes executives with the National Association of Broadcasters, Ford, Pandora, Strategy Analytics, Jacobs Media, the Radio Advertising Bureau, Mark Ramsey Media and other experts.
Also, with the recent acquisition of iBiquity by DTS, we talked with Jeff Jury, named recently to succeed Bob Struble as head of HD Radio. What does new ownership mean from a strategic perspective for HD Radio and its automotive presence?
The Broadcasters Traffic Consortium is a nationwide broadcasting network that distributes location-based data to navigation devices and automobile in-dash systems. HD Radio is part of its infrastructure; how are those platforms working together after several years? What do radio companies on BTC want or hope from their HD Radio relationship?